Sunday 22 September 2013

Restaurant review : Scott's, Mayfair, London

What's the curbappeal?
- dining on the patio overlooking gorgeous Mount Street (it's chock-full of high end fashion boutique's including Marc Jacobs)
- fabulous quality food
- people watching

The downsides: it's pricey & the Maitre d' is incredibly snooty/ rude (unless you're one of his regular customers, or a minor celebrity, when he couldn't be nicer and more helpful)

Will I be back? Difficult to say. Our experience with the Maitre d' did leave a bitter taste in the mouth and when you're paying such high prices the service should be excellent for all customers, not just the mildly famous ones...

With love, 
Ms. Curbappeal x

Ps here's some photos from my iPhone 

Polite notice: all photos copyright Curbappeal 2013


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