Sunday 23 September 2012

Restaurant review (part 1): Princi, Wardour Street, Soho, London - Saturday 22nd September 2012

We'd heard such great things about Rocco Princi's über-chic Italian bakery that we were super excited to try it out, maybe that was our downfall...

..Ok we only popped in for take out, but asking 4 different staff to order and being directed to a non-existent "take out chef" was enough. After shuffling around the restaurant for an uncomfortable 10 minutes we simply left.

But, once the bitter taste of poor service has left, I'll be back; albeit I'll take a seat in the restaurant next time. This sandstone marble beauty with its gorgeous-looking pastries is just too hard to ignore...

...To be continued...

Some photos straight from our iPhones..

Restaurant review: Busaba Eathai, Wardour Street, Soho, London - Saturday 22nd September 2012

It's Curbappeal:
-Dark and sultry interior (mahogany woods twinned with amber lighting)
-Bubbly atmosphere (great for dining with friends)
-Good selection of Thai cuisine, fresh ingredients and very reasonable prices

- for some, the shared tables might be a downside but we enjoyed it

Some photos from our iPhones ...

Cafe review: Fernandez and Wells, Lexington Street, Soho, London - Saturday 22nd September 2012

What's the Curbappeal?

- Big and beautiful picture windows to watch the world go by (you won't be disappointed, Soho draws an eclectic crowd)

- Light and airy despite being long and narrow (the picture windows help)

- An oasis of calm (no music & hushed tones of staff and fellow customers)

- Beautifully soft and buttery croissants

- Delicate but strong flat white (one of the best I've tasted); normally I need to take sugar for the bitter after-taste but not here :)

With Love,
Ms. Curbappeal x

P.S. here's some photos straight from my iPhone...

polite notice: all photos copyright Curbappeal 2012