Saturday 22 February 2014

Columbia Beach Resort - family friendly facilities

The award winning spa is beautiful and luxurious - yet children can swim in the indoor pool. 

It looks and feels beautiful but we feel fine about letting the children have a splash in the pool. The staff and guests are super-relaxed about children so we can relax too.  Of course there are child-free zones in the spa and children have to be 16 to use the gym, but we have had games of squash and tennis with our 8 year old.  Courts and gym are state of the art and there are free fitness classes in the studio during the week. 


Family-friendly specialist

Monday 17 February 2014

Columbia Beach Resort, Cyprus

What's the Curbappeal?
- local, rustic charm with understated luxury
- informal and super-relaxed atmosphere, feels more like a local village; guests are truly international with a mix of old and young couples and families

I am on a mission this week to find out if family-friendliness in a resort can be found with luxury. 

Below - View from our room - executive suite (lots of room for families with a large sofa bed)

Above - I love the rustic 'streets' feel of the resort

Above - don't think I've stayed in many hotels with their own little churches in the grounds! 

Above - no rows of hotels here, there's just 2 in this beautiful, quiet bay.  Beach isn't the best for families - it's stony - but our 2 love it and I guess will be great for the sea in the summer.

Family-friendly specialist at Curbappeal