Tuesday 29 January 2013

Restaurant Review: GRANT GRILL, San Diego, California

What’s the curbappeal?
- ‘Contemporary Art Deco’ interior
- Sophisticated and glamorous vibe
- Formal dining experience: perfect for power-meetings over breakfast, lunch or dinner

I popped in for breakfast and tried the honey crumble cereal with assorted berries and yogurt. Crunchy, tasty and filing! I also had a cafetiere of good-quality rich coffee. I mulled over a couple of other breakfast options: ‘Banana Bread French Toast: candied pistachios, golden raisins and glazed bananas with cinnamon maple syrup’, the ‘Spa breakfast: egg whites, goats cheese, olives, grilled onions and peppers’ and, their ‘Breakfast Collection’ of mini-cocktails including the ‘Mini Maple Manhattan - sapling maple liqueur and Jim Beam rye whiskey with old fashioned bitters’. How decadent!

It’s just gorgeous…I’ll be back…

With Love,
Ms. Curbappeal x

P.S. some photos from my SLR…

polite notice: all photo's copyright Curbappeal 2013

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