Sunday 13 January 2013

Hotel Review: Hotel Erwin, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California

      What’s the curbappeal?

- Vibrant and fun interior: lots of bright primary colours, surf-and-skate inspired artwork, retro / mid-century modern furniture and fabrics
- Awesome views over Venice Beach, especially from our room: select 'Ocean-view' rooms, not 'City' ones
- Hip rooftop bar with stunning views across LA, and the beach: perfect for sun-downers. We loved lounging on the sofas and soaking in the views – see photos below
- Perfect for hipsters, beach lovers and party-people: albeit we found the hotel quiet even though it attracts a younger crowd

With Love,
Ms. Curbappeal x

P.S. some photos from my Canon SLR…

polite notice: all photos copyright curbappeal 2013

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this review about this Hotel Erwin, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California This blog really amazed me and I want to visit this place because it is a very interesting place. Keep sharing!.

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