Saturday 26 January 2013

Bar Review: Ocean Terrace, Georges at the Cove, La Jolla, California

What’s the Curbappeal?
- Gorgeous ocean views
- Glamorous vibe
- Perfect place to while away the hours
- Excellent choice for sun-downers

We just popped in for a glass of champers after a coastal walk. They’ve a fully-stocked bar and cocktails looked a speciality. As to food, I can’t comment - as we didn’t have any – but the menu focuses on modern Californian with hearty or healthy dishes depending on your mood. I liked the sound of ‘Marinated and Grilled Fresh Fish Tacos’; ‘chilled Japanese soba noodle salad with Seared Rare Ahi tuna’ and ‘Grilled White Shrimp with Tabbouleh Salad’. Downstairs is the contemporary restaurant, which I didn’t have time to visit.

I will be back…

With love,
Ms. Curbappeal x

Ps. some photos from my Canon SLR...

Polite notice: all photo's copyright Curbappeal 2013

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