Sunday 23 September 2012

Restaurant review (part 1): Princi, Wardour Street, Soho, London - Saturday 22nd September 2012

We'd heard such great things about Rocco Princi's über-chic Italian bakery that we were super excited to try it out, maybe that was our downfall...

..Ok we only popped in for take out, but asking 4 different staff to order and being directed to a non-existent "take out chef" was enough. After shuffling around the restaurant for an uncomfortable 10 minutes we simply left.

But, once the bitter taste of poor service has left, I'll be back; albeit I'll take a seat in the restaurant next time. This sandstone marble beauty with its gorgeous-looking pastries is just too hard to ignore...

...To be continued...

Some photos straight from our iPhones..

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