Sunday 10 February 2013

Ruby's Diner, Palm Springs, California

 What’s the Curbappeal?
- The classic 1940’s American diner styling: think bright red vinyl booths with white Formica tables, soda fountains and colourful ’40’s poster art and memorabilia. It made me smile J
- The menu: as well as serving the usual ‘burgers and fries’ there’s a host of unusual items… and they all come with a calorie count, which is a nice touch. At breakfast choose from ‘Skinny Eggs’ (590 calories) or Ruby's French toast combo (930 calories). At lunch or dinner choose from the calorie-tastic Cheeseburger (740-1020 calories) or opt for the skinnier Double Deluxe Udi's® gluten free burger (706-749 calories). Whatever you choose, I highly recommend the Hershey’s chocolate deluxe shake for dessert J

With Love,
Ms. Curbappeal x

P.S. here’s some photos from my Canon SLR...

Polite notice: all photos copyright Curbappeal 2013

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